The artist Paul Dworacek


Created by Paul Dworacek is the artist’s way of expressing himself through self-developed techniques. Paul uses airbrush, acryl, aerosol paint, and any other material that inspires him.

Paul is originally from Vienna, Austria. Since he was a little boy, Paul loved to draw and create. At the age of 12, he was introduced to the Hip Hop Culture and immediately identified with this philosophy.

Paul Dworacek’s art form goes back to the roots and basics of writing and subway culture of New York City. Being from Vienna he adapted the NYC style into one of his own, drawing inspiration from his city. As his art developed he expanded his views with other concepts, cities, and music. An important mentorship role in his life took the writer and artist Gonzalo Maldonado Morales (Kane). Paul was taught by and worked with him in Mannheim, Germany. Kane taught him the history of NY and Germany Graffiti art form, the different techniques of the writing art and was a figure influential in his artistic development.

DworacekArt specializes in custom-made clothing, murals paintings and canvas pieces, wood and metal plates. Paul has no limitations as to the surface or structure of his pieces. Each piece is unique. His intuitive sense of color combination is breathtaking.

Living for the Art

Paul Dworacek‘s motto is „Living for the Art“, as was also the title of his last exhibition in the Art Space of the LeMeridien Hotel Vienna. The artist lives with, for and from art. At the same time, art lives in him. For Paul, inspiration and ideas come from everywhere, especially the urban world. This relentless changing and evolving landscape is reflected in the works of DworacekArt.

For “Living for the art” Paul Dworacek uses the medium canvas, bringing the influences of the city inside gallery spaces and setting an additional extraordinary example of graffiti being an established part of this scene.

It is essential that art exist and surrounds us, for we grow with art and art grows with us. It is the constant influx and out-flux of new ideas and change that shapes the artist‘s and our perspective. At the same time, as contradictory as it sounds, all those evolving ideas and influences want to be fixed, saved in our memories, so that we do not loose the feeling and the emotions that were inspirational in the first place.

The messages of DworacekArt are not only to be seen and interpreted in the traditional colors, shapes, and materials but also to be read, for text, context, and concept come in many ways and forms.